June 2010 - Pousada Windy Addiction International House of Kite ***
A new pousada for Ilha do Guajiru! The Windy Addiction International House of Kite is opening this September 2010!
The opening of the Windy Addiction International House of Kite, pousada, kiteschool, and World Cafe is scheduled for September 2010. It will amaze all visitors travelling to Ilha Do Gaujiru in this coming season!
Located at Brazils most popular kiteboarding destination of 2009 the Canadian and Brazilian owners are presently renovating their pousada to ensure their guests have the ultimate kiteboarding experience!
The new features of Windy Addiction include:
- a 2nd level balcony and restaurant, over-looking the best kiteboarding spot worldwide
- expanded comfort rooms that come with a private garden patio
- a weekly line-up of entertainment with movies, live music, kaoraoke, and a dance night.
Wind addicts staying at this beautiful pousada are also welcome to practice and play on the private Slider park, another new feature at Ilha Do Guajirú.
Other activities offered by them are horseback riding, motorbike and bicycle rentals or a "Day at the farm" - where you can pick your own fresh fruit and coconuts, feel the culture and experience the Brazilian warmth and hospitality first hand!
Their accomodation packages can include meals at our World Cafe restaurant & bar.
Your day will start with a Kiter's breakfast buffet complete with delicious tropical fruit, followed by a healthy lunch and finish off with an international daily dinner feast that will keep everyone coming back to see what's cooking for tomorrow!
If you also have a Windy Addiction, then this is the place for you!
Please make sure you make reservations prior to arriving at Ilha do Guajirú. Last year all pousadas have been fully booked and you dont want to miss out on this one. Book now!!!
Reservations for Garden rooms, accommodating 1 or 2 persons, are available starting September 15th.
For bookings of any kind at Ilha do Guajirú, the Ecological Paradise & Flatwatersea!, you may also contact the below stated Office, that will make sure your holiday will be arranged in no time!
Contact details:
The Official Booking Office of Ilha do Guajirú
Mr. Falk Fuhrmann tel. no. + 55 (0)85 9962 0469
Mrs. Iany Margues tel. no. + 55 (0)85 9951 7179
E-mail: bookings@ilha-do-guajiru.com or bookings@theflatwatersea.com
Both of them are English, German and Portuguese spoken!