October 25th 2008 - Land prices and real estate increasing at Ilha do Guajirú!
After numerous succesfull sales were recorded at Brazil's newest and hottest tourist spot, Ilha do Guajirú, an increase of all land prices and real estate will now be effected!
A 25 pct increase became a fact, due to numerous sales.
The increase is a very logical consequence of all major strategic changes and moves achieved on the island, in even less then 6 months!
- all roads have been paved and put open to the public for use!
- the island's Official Tourist Site is extremely well visited, with over 300.000 hits during August, it's 4th month only!
- windvillage will become ready and operative before the year end!
- the island's gsm network will become functioning till appr. Dec 2008 (with "tim" and "oi" as providers)!
- internet will be distributed openly due to this, promptly thereafter!
- the island's masterplan stage II, the "interior", will be launched and put on sale with an amazing style and jericoacoara-like layout!
- Lagoa beach and Pousada do Toca are opening their renovated pousada's!
- many overseas magazines and media have meanwhile discovered the island, they all report about Brazil's newest hotspot: (stance-fr, stance-it, kitesurfmagazine-nl, access-nl, kiteboarding-de, etc.)!
- the island's Official Booking Office has opened it's doors and is a huge success: many overseas visitors meanwhile contact the office and book their holiday in confort through this service!
The management of Ilha do Guajirú was meanwhile forced to put various new sales on "hold" on some parts of the island: the small beachfront plots!, after almost all of these plots were either sold or taken under "option" in less then 5 weeks time!!

