November 15th 2008 - New price increase recorded at Ilha do Guajiru after many sales!
Eversince september, many visitors from all over the world hit the island based on their interest to come, see and experience N-E Brazil's biggest lagoon, Ilha do Guajiru, the Flatwater Sea!
From Holland, belgium, germany, austria, france, switserland, sweden, norway, the u.k., ireland, italy, the u.s. and australia, there is no hold to the nationalities that come accross from every corner...
As much as 25 pct pct of these is estimated to form the group of continuous, seriously interested buyers!
If this tendency continues, no doubt the management of the island will soon be forced to decide to PUT ALL LAND SALES ON HOLD, till the new season 2009 starts.
The island's size and superface is limited, so this would be the only way to allow every new owner to build in time.
For all up-to-date information about developments on price and availability, please visit this website regularly!

