If you are considering to buy and invest in real estate on Ilha do Guajirú, the best company to contact is Beachlife Real Estate!
This company has many years of experience in Brazil’s booming real estate market and is run by european management, with up to 7 languages spoken, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian!
Beachlife is also the majority land owner at Ilha do Guajirú, owning almost all of the terrain.
Ilha do Guajirú is Beachlife’s largest project sofar and for sure also very successful.
The returns* actually scored (*2008: 70%, *2009: 80%) on land and real estate investments at this Ecological Paradise are unknown at the rest of the NE Brazilian coastline…
For detailed information about real estate, please visit the website of Beachlife Real Estate.
You are also invited to contact Beachlife by email or telephone so they may sit down with you during a personal meeting. That way, you will quickly find out how easy it is to become a real “Brazil” investor.
Brazil, the leader of BRIC (*Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries, the world’s strongest and most booming economies during the next 10 yearsto come, is where Beachlife has it’s seat, here is where it all happens!
Their details are:
BEACHLIFE (Imovéis do Brasil ltda):
Tel. BR : + 55 (0)85 9906 2916
Tel. NL : + 31 (0)6 53 458 376
Website : www.beachlife-realestate.com
E-mail : info@beachlife-realestate.com