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• Unique Windguarantee
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• Swim & Surf zone
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• Watersport centres
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• Kicker & Slider park
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• Kiteboarding
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• canoeing
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• Jetskiing
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• windsurfing
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• swimming
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• Surfing
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• snorkling
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• Jangada sailing
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• catamaran sailing
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• diving
Ilha do Guajirú - the destination ready to become Brazil's no.1 hotspot! divider

Bring what kite?

For first time visitors, we herewith give you some recommendations on what kite size you should bring.

During most of the time, depending a little on your weight, you will end up using a 9 or a 12 m2 kite.

If you visit Guajiru during the windy season, running sept to dec, with the peak at oct/nov, you will use your 9m2 almost everyday.

The other months, you may use half of the time a 9m2 and the other half your 12m2.

But always watch the sky and forecasts: if the sky is clear, thermical winds add 3-4 knots (not shown!) on the windguru and windfinder statistics and off you go! Another fantastic kite day at Ilha do Guajiru....

But if you want to kite well really everyday of the year, then bring your 16m2 from feb to may (for appr. 35 pct of the days you may then use it) or your 7 m2 during october/november (also here appr 35 pct of the days you may then use it.

A lot of kiteboarders simply bring a 9 and a 12 m2 and this makes you really kite very well -if you sometimes simply adjust your depower and power very well- on almost every day.

Kiteboarding at Ilha do Guajiru's lagoon is a joy of confort: you can land your kite at both! sides of the lagoon, to adjust it if you are under- or overpowered, no worries at all!

P.s. all statements based on a weight of 65 - 85 kilos, if you weight less bring smaller kites (like 2 m2 less, if you weigh more, bring bigger kites, like 2 m2 more).

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Ilha do Guajirú - The ecological paradise!
Ilha do Guajirú - The ecological paradise!
Ilha do Guajirú - The ecological paradise!
Ilha do Guajirú - The ecological paradise!
Ilha do Guajirú - The ecological paradise!

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